
Hello readers, this is Joe Alexander, I am author of the book RENEWING YOUR LIFE-FORCE and I am putting up this blog to give interested parties a quick rundown on what the book is all about, so they can see if they are interested in pursuing the matter of reading the book further!
RENEWING YOUR LIFE-FORCE is a book about the most important subject in the world- which is- getting individuals- and hopefully the human species in general- back on the track of regeneration and evolution instead of degeneration and devolution!
You see, I am convinced that Darwin had it backwards. We have not evolved from lower and cruder and more brutal forms of life. Instead, humanity as originally created by the Creator oh so long ago, was much finer, healthier, more intelligent, more glorious, than people generally are now, and over the millennia and generations, people have NOT generally been evolving and getting better as the popular Darwinian hypothesis supposes, BUT instead have, for the most part, become more and more degraded, unhealthy, foolish and degenerate. I’m not denying that a few people here and there who have bucked the mainstream and worked at it, have done some regenerating and evolving, but for the most part, the vast majority of folks, the species in general, has devolved and degenerated, becoming worse physically, morally, mentally, and of course this collective degeneration of the human species has led to the horrendous god-awful mess we have in the world right now! I say it’s time to start turning this tugboat around, we can’t stand to go much further down! So I have written RENEWING YOUR LIFE-FORCE in hopes of inspiring more people to seek for and work at regeneration and evolvement in their lives, and to give the best practical means I’ve been able to find so far to actually achieve just that. RENEWING YOUR LIFE-FORCE is most definitely not just a book of theory or philosophy or speculation, it is first and foremost a practical guidebook to just how to actually accomplish the all-important matter of biospiritually regenerating yourself, so that life becomes richer and finer and more meaningful than you ever imagined before that it could be!
The book has grown out of my personal search more more vitality and joy of life. As a young fellow, in my teens, I felt pretty badly down in the dumps most of the time. So I set about looking for ways and means to have more energy and vitality, in a healthy and natural sort of way. I first got a good sign of the way to go when I ran into an old high school friend that I hadn’t seen for a couple of years. He had been practicing yoga from mail-order lessons that he got from the Self-Realization Fellowship founded by Yogananda, and he was a transformed man, he had light in his eyes and a glow in his face that had never been there before, and he now had intelligent, wise things to say that he had certainly never had before. So seeing how much he had come more alive from his yoga practice, I felt that was the way to go! I went to an introductory lecture on Ajapa Yoga given by a 90 year old yogi called Swami Janardan. He looked like a frail little old man but he had more energy than any teenager I knew and he moved and spoke with swiftness and strength like a young person. So I took the initiation in Ajapa that he was offering, and when I began practicing Ajapa, I found God, I found the answers to all the great questions of life, you know, like is there really a God, what is the nature of God, who am I, what is the purpose and meaning of life, you know, all those big questions; they were all answered for me in an instant when I experienced the divine energy that filled me up when I started practicing Ajapa taught me by Swami Janardan. This was in 1972, to give you some idea of the timeline of all this. I practiced Ajapa for about a year, then got myself initiated in the Knowledge of Guru Maharaj Ji. Practice of this meditation method had similar benefits to Ajapa. Having experienced the fact that so much improvement in my wretched condition was possible, that it was possible to achieve states of enlightenment with energy, vitality, joy of life, clarity of thinking, love for others, intuitive knowledge, far beyond anything I had imagined possible before I started practicing yoga, I got interested in what else I might do for further improvement. I discovered the raw food diet from Arnold Ehret’s books RATIONAL FASTING and MUCUSLESS DIET HEALING SYSTEM, and found that my health improved to a degree greater than anything I imagined could be possible, when I lived on just raw natural food, chiefly fruits and vegetables. I will tell you, raw food diet is the greatest health discovery of all time, “Science” will never discover anything to improve human health more than the natural raw food diet that God designed and intended us to live on does, it eliminates 90% of health problems which is a lot better than anything “medical science” ever has or ever will discover, and makes you feel youthful and vitally alive like you just can’t imagine is possible if you’ve never experienced it. Well, from there one thing led to another and the book goes into all the things I’ve tried over the years- in addition to what I’ve already named, there are chapters on Rebirthing, Kundalini Yoga, Co-counseling, Dynamic Meditation, Orgonomy, the Tibetan Rejuvenation Rites, Wai Tan Kung, MSI’s Ascension, the Urantia book, the RIGHT USE OF WILL books, Benjamin Creme’s “Maitreya the Christ” trip, Toning, Jasmuheen’s 21-Day Breatharianism program, Scientology, and Hatha Yoga. I describe the results I experienced from each one of these things, to give you the background on what I’ve done to get the knowledge I’ve gotten so as to come up with the “Renewing Your Life-Force” program that I promote in the second part of the book.
The second part of the book gives the practical “Renewing Your Life-Force” program that I am advocating and urging people to try if they want to enjoy life at its best and Be All You Can Be, and perform at their best in whatever sort of work you are doing or want to do. I noticed that all the things I did that had some real value in renewing your life-force, fell into one of 3 categories, that is, they accomplished one of three purposes, so I call these the 3 Nails to Bang On for total wellness, total regeneration. They are:
1. Renewing your spiritual energy- this is the one that the traditional religions and spiritual disciplines generally work on, if they have any value at all for achieving some real enlightenment.
2. Detoxing your body and optimizing your nourishment- this is becoming more and more recognized as the best way to overcome disease and achieve real physical health. The most advanced natural healers now point out that there are basically 2 causes of diseases and health problems, besides structural damage like breaking your back from falling off a truck and stuff like that- the 2 causes of health problems are, waste matters, toxins and poisons are in the body that shouldn’t be there, thus interfering with proper function, and 2. there is inadequate nourishment to keep the body’s metabolism and so forth functioning at its optimum. So the way to solve virtually all health problems and diseases is to work on cleaning waste matters and toxins out of the body, and getting complete optimum nourishment in. Optimum nourishment of course comes only from raw natural foods; cooking is a very destructive process that weakens our vitality tremendously, causes premature aging and many diseases, if you really want to feel good and have the doors of perception opened to many rooms in your consciousness that you didn’t know were there in your little old house, try the raw food diet!
And finally, Nail Number 3 to bang on is, release of repressed emotions. I’ve personally had an absolutely huge case of this stuff, have been working long and hard on freeing myself from it for many years, have made lots of progress, not completely out of the woods yet! But what I’ve learned could help many others because I’m sure not the only person who suffers from this stuff, though like I said, I’ve had an unusually heavy case. I’ve tried a number of processes for working on this, and have experienced best results by far from Toning, a very simple free self-help process that I tell you how to do in the book. I think that anyone who tries banging on the 3 nails as I suggest in the book, or even just using the methods I give to bang on just one of the nails, will very soon begin to feel remarkable improvement in their condition, like burdens have been lifted off their back and they’ve got a new lightness and brightness and joy and purposefulness in life. And like I said at the beginning, if we had a lot more folks in this world doing likewise, we could turn this tugboat around and life could start getting better instead of worse, the future generations could have something decent to look forward to in the years to come, we could get back more and more into alignment with the Creator’s plan and design for life in this world and that would make things a lot better for everyone. So that concludes my introduction statement about the book and if you’re interested in looking further into the idea of getting it and reading it, it is published by Xlibris,, and again the title is RENEWING YOUR LIFE-FORCE by Joe Alexander. I plan to write more later here, if this has caught your interest, check back for more.

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